The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 鲁滨逊漂流记的生活和冒险 La Vivo ay Adventuros de Robinson Krusoe
1. Mia unu mara voyajo 我的第一次海上之旅 My first sea journey
Before I begin my story, I would like to tell you a little about myself.
Antaw mi startan mia rakonto, mi deziran diri al yu iom pri miself.
I was born in the year 1632, in the city of York in the north of England.
Mi naskisin en la yero 1632 (mil-siks-cent-tridek-bi), en la urbo Yorko, en la Nordo de Englo.
My father was German, but he came to live and work in England.
Mia patro esin Germana, sed hi irin vivi ay worki en Englo.
Soon after that, he married my mother, who was English.
Balde pos tio, hi wedin mia matro, kiu esin Engla.
Her family name was Robinson, so, when I was born, they called me Robinson, after her.
Xia famila nomo esin Robinson, tial, kiam mi naskisin, lu nomin mi Robinson, same al xi.